8701 Unknown exception in CXmlAdapter::BuildRecords... 8702 Source file is "%s" 8703 Unable to get "%s" sub node of XML element "%s" 8704 Unable to get value of XML element "%s" 8707 Cannot open unnamed source file. 8708 %s: "%s" unknown load error. 8709 %s: "%s".\n%s 8710 Unknown exception in CXmlAdapter::OpenSourceFile... 8711 Exception in CXmlAdapter::BuildRecords: %s. 8712 Contents of the imported XML file don't meet to the OrgLiteML schema! 8713 Unknown exception in CXmlAdapter::CXmlAdapter& 8714 Exception in CXmlAdapter::BuildRecords: %s. 8715 Unable to get "%s" sub nodes of XML element "%s" 8716 Unable to get root XML element "%s" 8717 Unable to get attribute "%s" of XML element "%s" 8718 Unable to get "%s" sub nodes of root XML element "%s" 8719 Unable to get "%s" sub node of root XML element "%s" 8720 Unable to load XML document 8721 Unable to create XML DOM object 8724 Name 8725 Title 8726 ID 8727 Phone 8728 E-mail 8731 Unable to create XML Schema Collection object 8732 Unable to open XML schema 8733 Unable to set XML schema collection 8734 XML document "%s" loaded OK. 8735 XML DOM object created. 8738 XML Schema Collection object created. 8739 XML schema added to schema collection. 8741 Unable to set XPath selection namespaces 8742 XPath selection namespaces is set 8743 OrgLite XML Files (*.xml)